Sunday, 31 January 2016

Thing 23: Making it all work together

Well, I've finally made it to Thing 23, I really didn't think I would make it on time to get my certificate, but well here I am. I am sorry I didn't manage to keep up with the initial timescale, but life, work and college got in the way!

I have used Hootsuite before and if you are managing multiple social media accounts it is really worth using an app like this as it saves time and energy bringing all  your accounts under one application. I know the staff in the library use Hootsuite to manage the library social media accounts.

I signed up to Buffer just to see what it was like, but again unless you are managing multiple accounts, and have to schedule tweets and posts I may be better off just using the individual apps and continue using their notifications, for now anyway.

Many thanks to the RudaĆ­23 team for allowing me to take part - especially Wayne who was my mentor - thank you for all your kind and helpful comments.

Well done guys, take a bow!

1 comment:

  1. Well done! You made it! Thank for your kinds words, but it is really your own hard work that has been a pleasure for me to read and comment on.

    The Rudai 23 Team
