Monday, 18 January 2016

Thing 9: Video

I tried to download Jing, but as I am working on Thing 9 during my lunch break in work today, I don't have the admin rights to do so. I have used Screencast-O-Matic instead and this is what I came up with, for a ten minute job, it's not too bad!!

Again, because I am doing this in work, I have kept it to a  fairly simple video on how to to create a Storify, there is no sound or captions on it, that will be for another day! It's a bit shaky, but I think if I had a bit more practice it would be fine - and also - need a plan of action before starting!

However, Screencast-O-Matic is really easy and straightforward to use. I can see it being very useful in producing library management systems training videos - shorts ones on how to issue a book, how to find a student address or email - how to pay a fine on the system for new staff and  much easier to produce and use a written manual!


  1. Hi. Did you intend to embed the screencast in this blog post? I can't see it there, maybe you could email it to me?

    The Rudai23 Team

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Wayne, I hope this is working now - I couldn't upload it to youtube - I just kept getting an error message - Christine
